Ever wanted to vendor a Kpop Nook event?

Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers

2024 Kpop Nook Vendor Form is now open


Tap here


2024 Kpop Nook Vendor Form is now open 〰️ Tap here 〰️

Q: Do I have to have Kpop Goods to be able to vendor at a Kpop nook event?

A: Nope! Not all events are kpop specific, so having kpop related goods is not required. All types of vendors are welcome.

Q: What size vendor table spaces are avaILABLE at most events?

A: Most events take place in smaller shops, most of the time in a boba shop. Vendors have the option of 4ft to 6ft table spaces at most smaller venue events.

Q: how high are your vendor spot fees?

A: Fees range depending on the event and location. But majority of the time table sizes are $10 per FT. of the table. Example: 4ft table is $40, 6ft table is $60 and so on.

Prices change depending on the event and location and what funds are needed to help run the event.

Any and all Vendor fees collected go towards helping fund supplies, paying for advertising, renting spaces etc. What fees are being used for is 100% transparent for each event and is explained at the time of vendor fee collection.

Q: how do I sign up for future events?

A: To be considered for future events, please fill out the 2024 Kpop Nook Vendor Form!

Most events, vendor spots are filled via pulling vendors from the ‘Vendor master list'

Some events a google form may be sent to those who would like to set up if the event calls for it.

Q: I don’t live in Vegas, can I still fill out the vendor form?

A: Absolutely! The form has location options available on it so you can let me know where you’re located!

Most events take place in Las Vegas Nevada, but you never know when I may want or need to travel for an event.

(Las Vegas, Reno, California ~ Anaheim, Los Angeles and the bay area are options on the vendor form. All other areas must enter their location manualy)